life corner
Health Corner
The human body is a 3-part system that requires all parts to be functioning properly in order to be in complete HARMONY and experience true health (mind and body) and happiness. If there is a weakness in any one area it will manifest negatively in some area of our life.
We are a SPIRIT, having a SOUL (mind, will, emotions) who lives in a BODY (physical).
It is what happens in the SOUL which affects our physical and mental health as well as our spiritual life.
Inspirational Corner
- Think good thoughts.
- Speak positive and gentle words.
- Listen attentively.
- Hug frequently.
- Laugh often.
- Love always.
- Pray about everything.
- Be humble, submitted, and obedient to your Creator at all times.
And remember – it’s not about who you are; it’s about who God is!!
Financial Corner
Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”
“The bible explains that we should not store up for ourselves treasures on this earth but that we should store up treasures in heaven. You want to know where you will spend eternity? Just look around. If you have alot of “stuff” and spend all your time, money and energy accumulating it, you might want to reconsider and start putting God first. God doesn’t mind us having nice things but not at the expense of ignoring Him.”
1 Corinthians 4:2 – “Morever it is required in stewards, that man be found faithful.”
“Why is being a good steward of your finances so important? Because God says it is!! It is not a coincidence that money and possessions are mentioned more than 2,350 times in the Bible. 15 percent of everything Jesus said had to do with finances. Do you realize that in the Bible there are 1539 passages that refer to giving while there are only 523 passages that refer to praying? God knew that money or the lack of money would bring people down.”